Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Symantec Liveupdate Pointing to Wrong Update Server

ok heres the deal. I had endpoint manager up and running but then decided to wipe out server and reload 2008 R2. Well all my managed clients still try to connect to the server for updates. Anyway enough blab. Here is what fixed this

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\LiveUpdate

and delete all the settings.liveupdate files. also delete the lastgood liveupdate settings file. After doing this it know connects to liveupdate off the web. :)

Monday, May 31, 2010

adobe premiere pro preview choppy, lag, hangs, does nothing.

Well i got this new tiny camera and it imports to my computer as avi. When I opened them in premiere my previews didn't work for anything. well i found a fix for now. atleast it worked for me. trust me i tried alot.

open up adobe media encoder. i picked uncompressed avi file from one of the menus. once that was done, took like 28 mins, opened up premiere and dragged the video in and it now plays fine in preview.

by the way the camera is the vd80. mini dv video camera. well hope this helps anyone with same problem.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

sysprep unable to change admin password

wds, mdt2010, windows xp

Using wds and lite touch i was getting the following error after syspreping my machines: setup was unable to change the password for user account administrator

Basically I built the image before hand and I had the admin password coded in the image. For some reason it didnt like this. I tried several ways and the only fix I found was to recreate my image without having an admin password. Basically i reset the password to blank..

From there after booting to lite touch and imaging, after it reboots it goes through with changing the admin password. I also have encrypted the password in my sysprep.inf. I read somewhere that encryption was causeing the error but tried both ways.

summary: create admin account with no password before sysprep.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

wget through proxy server

Edit the file /etc/wgetrc

in that file find the section that has these settings, un comment them and set to your proxy settings.

http_proxy = http://yourproxyserver:port/
ftp_proxy = http://yourproxyserver:port/

use_proxy = on

now you can use wget through your proxy

also if you need to authenticate you can use these with the wget command

wget --proxy-user=.. --proxy-passwd=..

vi commands

I can never remember them all. here's a vi cheat sheet I found to help me remember them. :D

Window motions
<ctrl>d -- Scroll down (half a screen)
<ctrl>-- Scroll up (half a screen)
<ctrl>f -- Page forward
<ctrl>b -- Page backward
/string -- Search forward
?string -- Search backward
n -- Repeat search
N -- Repeat search reverse
G -- Go to last line
nG -- Go to line n :n -- Go to line n
<ctrl>l -- Redraw screen
<ctrl>g -- File information


Cursor motions

H -- Upper left corner (home)
M -- Middle line
L -- Lower left corner
h -- Back a character
j -- Down a line
k -- Up a line
^ -- Beginning of line
$ -- End of line
l -- Forward a character
w -- Forward one word
b -- Back one word
fc -- Find c
; -- Repeat find (find next c)


Input commands (end with ESC)
a -- Append after cursor
i -- Insert before cursor
o -- Open line below
O -- Open line above
:r file -- Insert file after current line


Changes during insert mode

<ctrl>h -- Back one character
<ctrl>w -- Back one word
<crtl>u -- Back to beginning of insert


Move text from file old to file new

vi old "a10yy -- Yank 10 lines to buffer a
:w -- Write work buffer
:enew -- Edit new file
"ap -- Put text from a after cursor


Delete Commands

dd -- Delete line
ndd -- Delete n lines to general buffer
dw -- Delete word to general buffer
ndw -- Delete n words
d) -- Delete to end of sentence
db -- Delete previous word
D -- Delete to end of line
x -- Delete character


Recovering deletions

p -- Put general buffer after cursor
P -- Put general buffer before cursor


Change Commands

s -- Substitute (ESC) - 1 char with string
cw -- Change word (ESC)
cc -- Change line (ESC) - blanks line
c$ -- Change to end of line
rc -- Replace character with c
R -- Replace (ESC) - typeover
. -- Repeat last change


Undo Commands

u -- Undo last change
U -- Undo all changes on line


Rearrangement Commands

yy or Y -- Yank (copy) line to general buffer
"z6yy -- Yank 6 lines to buffer z
yw -- Yank word to general buffer
"a9dd -- Delete 9 lines to buffer a
"A9dd -- Delete 9 lines; append to buffer a
"ap -- Put text from buffer a after cursor
p -- Put general buffer after cursor
P -- Put general buffer before cursor
J -- Join lines


File management commands

:w name -- Write edit buffer to file name
:wq -- Write to file and quit
:q! -- Quit without saving changes
ZZ -- Same as :wq
:sh -- Execute shell commands (<ctrl>d)



:set list -- Show invisible characters
:set nolist -- Don't show invisible characters
:set number -- Show line numbers
:set nonumber -- Don't show line numbers

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

change ubuntu root password

Easier way is to just run the following at the shell..

sudo su
****will ask for the current users passsword
****follow prompts to pick a password

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

ERROR: Net::LDAP module not installed

Running Debian, I had to run the following command to get the correct package.

apt-get install libnet-ldap-perl

ERROR: Missing File::Which module

Running Debian I had to get the app

apt-get install file-which*